Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Grace & A FREE GIFT!

Traditionally, it has been defined as, Unmerited Favor and is often called, a free gift.  C.S  Lewis said it was the unique contribution of Christianity, and  Phillip Yancey calls it, our last great word. A word that appears 206 times in The Bible. A word  and you know as grace.

Shiploads of books have been written on the subject and entire theologies rest on it's premise. The Apostle Paul said, "By grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourself. It is the gift of God...."  Today I am writing this blog post as a recipient, rather than an authority.

There is not much to say on the subject that has not already been covered by others much more capable than myself. For me, once I close my bible, the go to book and resource on subject at hand is Phillip Yancey's Classic, What's so amazing about Grace? 

I read it twenty years ago and have never recovered. I've learned we live in a world of un-grace and the question that keeps me up at night is," why?"   Why is it that we who have been redeemed and transformed by the grace of God have such a hard time communicating the message to others.

If you have been following this blog for awhile, or have followed me on Facebook and twitter,  you already know, I've written a short story called, The Note: A graceful reflection. 

It's a true story written about a boy who gets himself into a lot of trouble. He had been traumatized the previous year by a father, who crossed the line while administering discipline and left emotionally handicapped. Therefore, his confession came slow. In the end grace, healed and restored a damaged relationship.

The purpose of writing The Note was to share the message of grace by offering a real life example of what it looks like through the eyes of an eleven year old boy and the ramifications it carried into adulthood.

And with that: I am offering a three day free give away. The Note can be downloaded free for the next 72 hours to your Kindle, computer, tablet, and smart phone. If you do not own a kindle, just down load the free app and WAALAA... you're in business.

I would welcome any and all feedback, or critique on The Note.

Thank you!

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