Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Road Not Taken: A story of Robert Frost and Edward Thomas.

The Road Not Taken, is one of America's favorite poems written by on of America's most iconic poets. It has been interpreted many times and in various ways. In this video I'm sharing the story and experience behind the poem and poet and introducing Edward Thomas who played a huge role in the process. A process that help to build a platform for Robert Frost and an experience that played heavily in the writing of one of the poets most famous works.

I too, am standing at a fork in the road of my own life's experience and have consulted an old mentor and his poem during the process. I hope this story speaks to you.


  1. I enjoyed your commentary Cameron! I don't know what the decision you face is but I will be praying that you make the "right" one and choose the "right" fork in your road. I wish we could spend some time together before time gets away from us! Take care brother!

    1. Thank you my friend. My family and I covet your prayers. Thanks for your comment and for hitting the blog.
