I turned 51 today and thought I would celebrate with a post on My Life as I See It.
I've never been much of a numbers guy, but if we begin with the numbers I have been on this earth 18,615 days. That makes for 446,760 hours. If I eat three meals a day that means I've consumed 55,845 meals, and I only weigh 245 pounds. Wow! I'm in better shape than I thought.
I've been married for 30 years and 6 months of the 51 years I've been on this earth which means that for well over half my life, Lisa has been and continues to be my: "Better Half."
A quick glance tells the story. You see...not only was I lucky, but I came out way ahead on the deal. Isn't she pretty? Guess what... she is more beautiful now than ever and she continues to grow that way with each passing year.
We have contributed to the re population of this planet with three children. The amazing thing is they turned out really good and considering they grew up listening to me preach every Sunday morning and then had to get up with me each Monday morning tells you something about grace; not only is it real, but it's also sufficient.
We also have one (1) AMAZING GRANDSON, David Benjamin, who has taught me So much about this grandpa thing. Guess what? IT'S AWESOME! Granny and I are looking forward to more.
To all of you who endured the high school experience with me, I think of you often and I'm sure you were surprised when you heard I was a pastor. So was I. You see...nine months after we graduated I met this girl from Thomasville. It was on March 21st...7 days after I turned 19 and though winter had been long spring came early. She caught my eye, turned my head, grabbed my heart and took me to church.
We dated for a 18 months and were married on on Sept. 11th of 1982. Three weeks later I surrendered my life to The One Who Gave His Life for us all and have learned the Jesus truly is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Since that time we've (Lisa and I) have ministered in churches from N.C to Alaska and are now back home serving at Dan River Wesleyan, where people are warm, loving and very patient.
So, yeah....I am 18,615 days old and I've been on the this earth for 446,760 hours and today is my birthday and I've already recieved several wonderful birthday day wishes and realize that I'm more than happy.....I'M BLESSED!