Thursday, June 13, 2013
The Extended Hiatus
To those of you who follow this blog I'm sure it seems as if I've fallen off the face of the earth. The reason for the extended hiatus is I'm in the middle of remolding and relocating. Our family is moving to another house that needs a make over and I'm standing at the cross roads of overwhelmed and panic. Well, not actually in panic mode yet, but seriously pushing the envelope.
My writing thing has taken a hit over the last several weeks and the itch is killing me. I am helplessly addicted to literature and writing and am convinced of two things. First, one day I will grow up. And secondly, when the day finally comes and I've stepped over the threshold of wannabe, I will have broken into and onto the cherished prize of Amazon's top 100 best sellers.
Until then... Pass me the hammer, a paint brush and order me a cheese burger!
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
The Cover of Darkness
While I'm in the process of doing the rewrites for my Amazon titles I thought I'd post an excerpt from a spiritual thriller that's been germinating for awhile. It's my first attempt in the genre... love to hear your opinion.
The Cover of Darkness
It crept
into our land under the cover of darkness and opened a portal to another world.
Evil was unleashed; the evidence was everywhere. First, a terrible sickness attacked the young
and elderly. Doctors were unable to diagnose the disease, so they called it a
plague and treated the symptoms.
The night Amy Tucker died a few friends sat with her with her parents during her passing and noticed, that like the others, internal bleeding left her young body swollen and bruised. In the end blood began seeping through the very pores of her skin. It heartbreaking to watch-one called it a bloody mess.
Then weather patterns changed. Winter came early and lingered with heavy snows and bitter cold. Summer offered no relief. Days were hot, but the sun was often hidden by dark gray clouds which offered no rain. Crops failed, the earth appeared scorched and water became a precious commodity.
In Harborton things were worse as the trials had started and a few people were being charged with witchcraft. Those found guilty were sentenced to death in the name of God. The fortunate ones went to the gallows; others were burned at the stake. In such times people are looking for someone to blame.
I once believed spiritual matters were a product of superstition. I thought church was a crutch for the weak and pious people of this world, but when I saw the goodness of a few saints I was forced to look at the world through a different lens.
These were people who truly lived for a higher purpose and surrendered themselves to the providence of The Most High. They poured their lives into others and walked out the paradoxes of The New Testament.
In the process of learning their ways my stony heart began to soften and I learned the difference between the folly of religion and the beauty faith. The one has more to do with man and the other is all about God.
I also looked upon a dark presence; a demon called up from the very pit of hell, and learned that as goodness flows from the heart of God, evil pours forth from the darkest off all fallen angels.
Before the rebellion he was called Son of the Morning, but now he’s called The Dragon, The Serpent, The Deceiver of the Brethren, Beelzebub, and Satan. His purpose is to sow destruction and he’s mastered the art. His greatest allies are unbelief and dead religion.
The night Amy Tucker died a few friends sat with her with her parents during her passing and noticed, that like the others, internal bleeding left her young body swollen and bruised. In the end blood began seeping through the very pores of her skin. It heartbreaking to watch-one called it a bloody mess.
Then weather patterns changed. Winter came early and lingered with heavy snows and bitter cold. Summer offered no relief. Days were hot, but the sun was often hidden by dark gray clouds which offered no rain. Crops failed, the earth appeared scorched and water became a precious commodity.
In Harborton things were worse as the trials had started and a few people were being charged with witchcraft. Those found guilty were sentenced to death in the name of God. The fortunate ones went to the gallows; others were burned at the stake. In such times people are looking for someone to blame.
I once believed spiritual matters were a product of superstition. I thought church was a crutch for the weak and pious people of this world, but when I saw the goodness of a few saints I was forced to look at the world through a different lens.
These were people who truly lived for a higher purpose and surrendered themselves to the providence of The Most High. They poured their lives into others and walked out the paradoxes of The New Testament.
In the process of learning their ways my stony heart began to soften and I learned the difference between the folly of religion and the beauty faith. The one has more to do with man and the other is all about God.
I also looked upon a dark presence; a demon called up from the very pit of hell, and learned that as goodness flows from the heart of God, evil pours forth from the darkest off all fallen angels.
Before the rebellion he was called Son of the Morning, but now he’s called The Dragon, The Serpent, The Deceiver of the Brethren, Beelzebub, and Satan. His purpose is to sow destruction and he’s mastered the art. His greatest allies are unbelief and dead religion.
This is a work in progress I plan to have published by early fall.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Good is never easy.
If you’ve
been following this blog you're aware of my recent hiatus. It started when I decided
to pull all seven of my titles from Amazon due to their lack of performance and
weak sell’s. The idea was to take responsibility rather than offering up whiny excuses
and make necessary changes that would hopefully give my work a better and much more professional appearance.
During the
process last week I dropped the netbook I’ve been using for the last year and a
half and was forced to make an adjustment. I had insurance on the netbook so I
filed a claim and was told I would be receiving a replacement within
twenty-four hours. Much to my delight FedEx showed up the following afternoon
with a package.
My initiation
was a challenge because I’m fifty-one years old and like others of my generation, I too struggle
with change. The tiny touch screen keypad
proved to be an obvious problem, however my daughter stepped up and once again opened my eyes as she pulled up all the available accessories on her on computer and walked me through a few options. I then borrowed a wireless keypad
form a friend which proved it to be very user friendly.
I’ve since
learned of a docking system which allows this Tablet to double as a laptop giving me much more versatility and a host of other options, and with that I've become very comfortable with this new gadget.
So, there
you have it. While on this hiatus I've been tweaking my material and during the process I’ve come a little more
into the 21st century far as technology goes. I have often said,”
Good is never easy, but hard is always difficult.” Often, the two are only separated by a very thin margin in something we call ...attitude.
While on hiatus I've learned my material needed some work and my attitude needed some adjusting. It has not come easy, but again…”Good is never easy.” Just like this old dog learning a new trick on something called a Tablet. It has truly made this hiatus much easier.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
My Hiatus
Webster defines Hiatus as:
a: a break in or as if in a material object : gap <the hiatus between the theory and the practice of the party — J. G. Colton>
b: a gap or passage in an anatomical part or organ
a: an interruption in time or continuity : break; especially: a period when something (as a program or activity) is suspended or interrupted <after a 5-year hiatus from writing>
I've high lighted 2a because its a definition that works for me at the moment. It speaks to my current status well.
Those of you who've been following this blog know I am on somewhat of a hiatus as far as the writing gig goes. I was not happy with how my titles were selling on Amazon and rather than making excuses I decided to be responsible and take a stab at becoming more professional with hopes of getting it right this time.
And with that I removed my titles and am in the process of doing the rewrites. While this effort is proving to be more than a little painstaking and very draining...I must admit I've found great value in the discipline.
The humbling truth is...I can't believe I short stepped the process and expected anyone to buy my material. As stated earlier...I've come full circle in that I'm rewriting The Note and hope to have it to my editor next week. Once she has polished the mechanics I'll have a new cover artist on board and a new face on the book.
Until then, check out a post I've recently stumbled across from Hugh Howey's Blog. He referenced an article that offers great advice and some "how to's" for those of you who are new to digital publishing. If you follow the steps outlined you will avoid some of my pitfalls and blunders.
Until next week...
Friday, April 5, 2013
Well it's done. I just pulled all seven of my titles from Amazon and fell back to the rank of an unpublished wannabe. It was a painful thing to do, but hopefully after working through the process I'll come out on the other side a little more polished and a lot more professional.
If you have read the previous post then you know I made this decision earlier in the week while away from home with my wife on somewhat of a working vacation.
You may recall I shared the fact that my titles were not preforming as well as I thought they should due largely impart to what I called an ugly trinity, or a bad trifecta going in the wrong direction. I said my craft was amateur, my cover art unprofessional and my discipline lacking.
But, what I failed to share with you was the straw the broke this camel's back and the blow that hurt my feelings.
Someone was brave enough to give me an honest review and said the story had potential, but the editing was poor. I have received a couple of negative reviews over the past couple of years, but understood it comes with the territory.
However, this one was different in that she recognized the value of the story, but struggled with my presentation. Though she did not use these words, she was referring to the poor quality in which the story was written.
So what do you do when someone pops your bubble and reality smacks you in the face? You're only left with with three options. (1) Continue swimming in a sea of mediocrity, which at best will only bring much of the same.(2) Quit. Or, (3) Swallow hard as you take your medicine and fix the problem.
Someone once described mediocrity as being half way up the mountain and that description resonates deeply with me as I recall the words of my late father, "Anything worth doing is worth doing right."
I put effort into the project but stopped short of taking it to the next level by failing to hire an editor and a cover artist. I stood before the mountain of what it takes to publish and package a story and stopped short of reaching the summit.
And with that I have only myself to blame. In the end... I owe a huge thanks to the negative review. I was embarrassed, humbled and challenged, but with that came the push to get it right.
My reason for posting this confession is an attempt to become more disciplined by making myself accountable to friends and hopefully readers.
The first story I published was called The Note and I've decided to begin with it. I'm rewriting a portion, and then sending it to my copy editor. Then I need to find a cover artist. Hopefully within the month I'll have it uploaded to Amazon and see what a difference this confession had made.
If you have read the previous post then you know I made this decision earlier in the week while away from home with my wife on somewhat of a working vacation.
You may recall I shared the fact that my titles were not preforming as well as I thought they should due largely impart to what I called an ugly trinity, or a bad trifecta going in the wrong direction. I said my craft was amateur, my cover art unprofessional and my discipline lacking.
But, what I failed to share with you was the straw the broke this camel's back and the blow that hurt my feelings.
Someone was brave enough to give me an honest review and said the story had potential, but the editing was poor. I have received a couple of negative reviews over the past couple of years, but understood it comes with the territory.
However, this one was different in that she recognized the value of the story, but struggled with my presentation. Though she did not use these words, she was referring to the poor quality in which the story was written.
So what do you do when someone pops your bubble and reality smacks you in the face? You're only left with with three options. (1) Continue swimming in a sea of mediocrity, which at best will only bring much of the same.(2) Quit. Or, (3) Swallow hard as you take your medicine and fix the problem.
Someone once described mediocrity as being half way up the mountain and that description resonates deeply with me as I recall the words of my late father, "Anything worth doing is worth doing right."
I put effort into the project but stopped short of taking it to the next level by failing to hire an editor and a cover artist. I stood before the mountain of what it takes to publish and package a story and stopped short of reaching the summit.
And with that I have only myself to blame. In the end... I owe a huge thanks to the negative review. I was embarrassed, humbled and challenged, but with that came the push to get it right.
My reason for posting this confession is an attempt to become more disciplined by making myself accountable to friends and hopefully readers.
The first story I published was called The Note and I've decided to begin with it. I'm rewriting a portion, and then sending it to my copy editor. Then I need to find a cover artist. Hopefully within the month I'll have it uploaded to Amazon and see what a difference this confession had made.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
A Painful Conclusion
(State Capital Building:Colombia S.C.)
Lisa and I are in Colombia South Carolina for a couple of days and staying at the Hilton two blocks from the State Capital building.
Lisa has come to represent the insurance company where she's employed during Farm Bureau's annual convention and I've come to break away from the chaos of living and give a little consideration to a my writing and publishing hobby.
Those of you who know me are aware that I have a thing for literature and enjoy writing. This interest was intensified a few years ago when my wife gave me a Kindle for Christmas and has been fueled by a shake up of the entire publishing industry.
The rising tsunami of self-publishing has become yesterday's news as a new generation of authors have found a platform, been given a voice and are now earning a living pursuing their passion.
Amazon continues to lead the pack with their recent purchase of Goodreads and with this move they're making a statement that sounds something like, "Yes, we've come to the table and we're...all in."
Technology and trend are dancing to the rhythm of a new song and opportunity has never been better for wanna be authors. The success of Hugh Howey's Wool along with the deal he was offered by Simon & Schuster allowing him to retain e rights while they carry the print rights signals the Big 6 are reconsidering and readjusting. The playing field has been leveled and with that I've come to a personal and painful conclusion.
The six titles I've published with Amazon are simply not good enough.With the exception of one title, (The Note) my cover art is unprofessional and my craft is armature. If that's not enough, my discipline has been lacking.
Like an ugly trinity, or a bad trifecta going in the wrong direction these three issues have left me treading water in a sea of mediocrity. A wise man once said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results. I've been hitting and missing at this thing for a few years and have decided I'm only left with two options. I have to get out, or get serious.
Since getting out would be like giving up and I'd never forgive myself for quitting I've decided to get serious. This week I'll be removing all six titles from Amazon and re-working them. I have a copy editor who will polish the mechanics and I'm now looking for a cover artist.
There comes a time in every boy's life when he needs to grow up and this boy has come to Colombia South Carolina and made a decision to take responsibility. So, with that...I'll be spending the rest of my down time today and tomorrow, taking my material off Amazon to be tweaked, re- written and then re-uploaded.
I'll be blogging about the process and keeping you informed.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
My Life as I See It.

I turned 51 today and thought I would celebrate with a post on My Life as I See It.
I've never been much of a numbers guy, but if we begin with the numbers I have been on this earth 18,615 days. That makes for 446,760 hours. If I eat three meals a day that means I've consumed 55,845 meals, and I only weigh 245 pounds. Wow! I'm in better shape than I thought.
I've been married for 30 years and 6 months of the 51 years I've been on this earth which means that for well over half my life, Lisa has been and continues to be my: "Better Half."
A quick glance tells the story. You see...not only was I lucky, but I came out way ahead on the deal. Isn't she pretty? Guess what... she is more beautiful now than ever and she continues to grow that way with each passing year.
We have contributed to the re population of this planet with three children. The amazing thing is they turned out really good and considering they grew up listening to me preach every Sunday morning and then had to get up with me each Monday morning tells you something about grace; not only is it real, but it's also sufficient.
We also have one (1) AMAZING GRANDSON, David Benjamin, who has taught me So much about this grandpa thing. Guess what? IT'S AWESOME! Granny and I are looking forward to more.
To all of you who endured the high school experience with me, I think of you often and I'm sure you were surprised when you heard I was a pastor. So was I. You see...nine months after we graduated I met this girl from Thomasville. It was on March 21st...7 days after I turned 19 and though winter had been long spring came early. She caught my eye, turned my head, grabbed my heart and took me to church.
We dated for a 18 months and were married on on Sept. 11th of 1982. Three weeks later I surrendered my life to The One Who Gave His Life for us all and have learned the Jesus truly is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.
Since that time we've (Lisa and I) have ministered in churches from N.C to Alaska and are now back home serving at Dan River Wesleyan, where people are warm, loving and very patient.
So, yeah....I am 18,615 days old and I've been on the this earth for 446,760 hours and today is my birthday and I've already recieved several wonderful birthday day wishes and realize that I'm more than happy.....I'M BLESSED!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
This weekend proves to be an exciting time if you are a lover of the Classic tales, or a movie buff. JACK THE GIANT SLAYER is out and my expectations are high.
The original story was first published in 1807 by Benjaman Tabart though it had been around for ages, some even believing it to have come to England aboard the Viking ships. It will be interesting to see how the storyline is treated and how much of the original remains intact.
Oz: The Great and Powerful will be also released in a few days and I'm looking forward to seeing it as well.
I saw an interview with James Franco this morning who plays the role of Oz while he was on Live with Kelly and Mike. I was impressed with his heart for the project. He stated that he was a huge fan of the original Frank Baum story and had read the entire series as a child.
He went on to share that before committing to the project he wanted to see how the current production respected the original screen play. It appears the storyline is more about Oz and delves into how he landed in the enchanted world.
Franco said The Wonderful Wizard of Oz was his Harry Potter of the day. It is nice to see the original and classic tales are shown respect by this generation. It goes to show you that even with the technology of our day, somethings can not be improved upon. The visual effects are far more stunning now than ever before, but the story is still the meat of the tomato.
If you have noticed, Fantasy is back stronger than ever and my next post will be given to Fantasy in this present generation.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
I am running a free promotion today and tomorrow on three of the stories I've published with Amazon.
Wrong Room: Bathroom Blunders
What happens when you have "TO GO" and your flying through turbulance at 30,00 feet? Or, when you are in Mexico City and you walk into the WRONG ROOM? These are true confessions of a Bathroom Blunderer.
Its free today.
Never By My Name A true story about the relationship a grandfather shares with his grandson while fishing the lakes and streams of North Carolina.
More Felt than Heard Poetry. More Felt Than Heard represents the reflections of living in a beautiful world that is not all it was created to be and the impression it leaves on the soul.
Wrong Room: Bathroom Blunders
What happens when you have "TO GO" and your flying through turbulance at 30,00 feet? Or, when you are in Mexico City and you walk into the WRONG ROOM? These are true confessions of a Bathroom Blunderer.
Its free today.
Never By My Name A true story about the relationship a grandfather shares with his grandson while fishing the lakes and streams of North Carolina.
More Felt than Heard Poetry. More Felt Than Heard represents the reflections of living in a beautiful world that is not all it was created to be and the impression it leaves on the soul.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Too Close for Comfort
I've been giving some thought to government and religion today and have come up with an axiom. You may not agree and its OK if you don't, but I would love to hear your position on the subject at hand.
I am writing as a Christian who was born and raised in America and have always considered myself patriotic. I am also a pastor who has given considerable time to the study of Comparative Religion. My intent here is not to bash other persuasions, but rather... to establish dialog.
Axiom: Rouge governments are like pagan gods in that they prey upon the fears of their people.
In the study and discipline of Comparative Religion you will discover that every religion on the globe with the exception of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are pagan in nature.
What that means is that with the exception of the three all other religions have several things common. For instance: 1. Pagan gods are often manipulative and can be manipulated. A brief study of Greek Mythology will support the first premise and any serious consideration of world religion will affirm the latter. 2. A pagan understanding of time is nonlinear, therefore you have the believe of re-incarnation. Time moves in circular fashion rather than to a point in time as is suggested in Christian thought. 3. The pagan god must be appeased and to that end, ancient civilizations at times would sacrificially offer their children to the deities as an act of worship.
The motivating factor and driving force behind such behaviour was fear. People were afraid of the gods and that fear was often reinforced by witch doctors, priest and soothsayers.
The Role of Government should be to protect and serve the people it represents. Unfortunately that has not always been the case. The world is no stranger to tyranny and the twentieth century unveiled and exposed a darkness of the human condition. The Holocaust of Germany, the Gulags of The Soviet Union and The Killing Fields of Cambodia showed the world how ugly an oligarchy can be.
Both the Gestapo and KGB exercised fear tactics by controlling information, leveraging propaganda and brainwashing a society while those on top lived in luxury at the expense of the population.
Because of the fallen state of human nature governments will always be tempted to abuse the power with which they are entrusted. Whenever a particular party or person solicits fear tactics with hopes of manipulating the population a line has been crossed. An ethic has been compromised and danger is sure to follow. The dark act must be brought to light as steps are taken to correct the trespass.
I write as a Christian and as a student of Church History I've learned that we are not immune to corruption. While we are not pagan history reveals many of the bad decisions that have been made out of fear and ignorance.
When the church is on task this world has never seen anything more beautiful. But, when the church moves off center and gets away from Her mission this world has never seen anything more ugly, or dangerous.
As stated earlier, I am a patriotic American who is glade to call this country home. The Founders went to great lengths in laying out principals on which government could be exercised for the people and by the people. The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution both serve as reminders of a better way.
If we as a people turn a blind eye to the founding of this great nation and the principals upon which it stands then we too shall reap the consequences others have endured.
And with that...we come full circle with an axiom. Rouge governments are like pagan gods in that they prey upon the fears of their people.
I am writing as a Christian who was born and raised in America and have always considered myself patriotic. I am also a pastor who has given considerable time to the study of Comparative Religion. My intent here is not to bash other persuasions, but rather... to establish dialog.
Axiom: Rouge governments are like pagan gods in that they prey upon the fears of their people.
In the study and discipline of Comparative Religion you will discover that every religion on the globe with the exception of Judaism, Christianity and Islam are pagan in nature.
What that means is that with the exception of the three all other religions have several things common. For instance: 1. Pagan gods are often manipulative and can be manipulated. A brief study of Greek Mythology will support the first premise and any serious consideration of world religion will affirm the latter. 2. A pagan understanding of time is nonlinear, therefore you have the believe of re-incarnation. Time moves in circular fashion rather than to a point in time as is suggested in Christian thought. 3. The pagan god must be appeased and to that end, ancient civilizations at times would sacrificially offer their children to the deities as an act of worship.
The motivating factor and driving force behind such behaviour was fear. People were afraid of the gods and that fear was often reinforced by witch doctors, priest and soothsayers.
The Role of Government should be to protect and serve the people it represents. Unfortunately that has not always been the case. The world is no stranger to tyranny and the twentieth century unveiled and exposed a darkness of the human condition. The Holocaust of Germany, the Gulags of The Soviet Union and The Killing Fields of Cambodia showed the world how ugly an oligarchy can be.
Both the Gestapo and KGB exercised fear tactics by controlling information, leveraging propaganda and brainwashing a society while those on top lived in luxury at the expense of the population.
Because of the fallen state of human nature governments will always be tempted to abuse the power with which they are entrusted. Whenever a particular party or person solicits fear tactics with hopes of manipulating the population a line has been crossed. An ethic has been compromised and danger is sure to follow. The dark act must be brought to light as steps are taken to correct the trespass.
I write as a Christian and as a student of Church History I've learned that we are not immune to corruption. While we are not pagan history reveals many of the bad decisions that have been made out of fear and ignorance.
When the church is on task this world has never seen anything more beautiful. But, when the church moves off center and gets away from Her mission this world has never seen anything more ugly, or dangerous.
As stated earlier, I am a patriotic American who is glade to call this country home. The Founders went to great lengths in laying out principals on which government could be exercised for the people and by the people. The Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution both serve as reminders of a better way.
If we as a people turn a blind eye to the founding of this great nation and the principals upon which it stands then we too shall reap the consequences others have endured.
And with that...we come full circle with an axiom. Rouge governments are like pagan gods in that they prey upon the fears of their people.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Grace and a Note
When I was eleven years old and in the fifth grade a friend and I managed to get ourselves into trouble when another student discovered a note we had written. Included in the note were several rude remarks about some of the other students and a few were even directed toward our teacher, Mrs Emory.
Forty years have passed since that note was discovered, but the memory stays with me and the thing I learned about my fathers heart became a small piece of a crucial puzzle that eventually changed the direction of my life.
I thought I'd post an excerpt. Hope you enjoy.
"It happened in the fall of 1973 when i was eleven years old and in the fifth grade at Sumner Elementary School. It was discovered just after the lunch break as we were getting settled back into our desks and making preperations for the the afternoon lesson.
It was found by a girl who had picked it up off the floor as she was walking over to the pencil sharpener. When she paused to read it and learned the content was more than a little offensive. So without hesitation she quickly ran over to the teachers desk and handed it to Mrs. Emory.
I was oblivious to what was going on, but when Mrs. Emory told us to sit down and held up a piece of paper and said, 'This has just come to my attention,' I knew I was in DEEP DOOOO.
Because I knew that what she held in her hand was a note that a friend and I had written and passed back in forth during the morning. Included in the note were several rude and very crude remarks about some of the other kids and if that were not enough to sink the ship, we had also made some very degrading remarks about Mrs Emory.
My young heart began to race as a sickness invaded the pit of my stomach and when I looked over to my friend, I realized he was also gripped by fear and dreaded the consequences. His appearence was more than a little pale: he looked as white as a bleached bed sheet....
...That nightmare of a school day was followed by a long walk home and a quiet dinner, as I sat at the table cringing every time the phone rang. Mom and Dad knew something was up......"
Forty years have passed since that note was discovered, but the memory stays with me and the thing I learned about my fathers heart became a small piece of a crucial puzzle that eventually changed the direction of my life.
I thought I'd post an excerpt. Hope you enjoy.
"It happened in the fall of 1973 when i was eleven years old and in the fifth grade at Sumner Elementary School. It was discovered just after the lunch break as we were getting settled back into our desks and making preperations for the the afternoon lesson.
It was found by a girl who had picked it up off the floor as she was walking over to the pencil sharpener. When she paused to read it and learned the content was more than a little offensive. So without hesitation she quickly ran over to the teachers desk and handed it to Mrs. Emory.
I was oblivious to what was going on, but when Mrs. Emory told us to sit down and held up a piece of paper and said, 'This has just come to my attention,' I knew I was in DEEP DOOOO.
Because I knew that what she held in her hand was a note that a friend and I had written and passed back in forth during the morning. Included in the note were several rude and very crude remarks about some of the other kids and if that were not enough to sink the ship, we had also made some very degrading remarks about Mrs Emory.
My young heart began to race as a sickness invaded the pit of my stomach and when I looked over to my friend, I realized he was also gripped by fear and dreaded the consequences. His appearence was more than a little pale: he looked as white as a bleached bed sheet....
...That nightmare of a school day was followed by a long walk home and a quiet dinner, as I sat at the table cringing every time the phone rang. Mom and Dad knew something was up......"
Thursday, February 14, 2013
My Valentine
I wrote this biographical poem a few years ago and dedicated it to my wife Lisa. She's still my Valentine.
The Twentieth of March.
The Twentieth of March.
How well I remember that first night.
The night you walked through the
door and lit up the room.
You were wearing pink cords, a white
sweater and a scent of Windsong... that
has stayed on my mind.
We met on the Twentieth of March.
And though winter had been long,
Spring came early.
Who could have imagined? Two
people so different, meeting in
a bar and landing in church.
And the story we have written while
moving across the country doing this
thing called life.
From a bar to an altar, through college
and across this continent we've followed
and across this continent we've followed
our hearts and walked against the grain.
And though I am not sure what normal
looks like, I’m certin it looks nothing
like us.
It seems I have been chasing something
for the greater part of my tired life. But
now, I just want to grow old with you.
I’m no longer afraid of all those things
I’ve yet to accomplish. I am content
…. We have truly loved.
- Cameron Dockery
Monday, February 11, 2013
Indies I Have Known
In December of 2010 my wife gave me a Kindle for Christmas and I've been tracking the rising tide of self-publishing ever since. It happened fast and no one saw it coming, but with the dawning of digital a new medium was birthed.
Now dream has become reality for several authors who never gave up. Their work has found an audience in a world that until recently didn't even exist.
The following list represents a few names I've been tracking since I began my own personal journey. Their success and willingness to help others have proved inspirational.
First I stumbled on Joe Konrath's Blog shortly after getting my Kindle and found him to be a plethora of knowledge in the field of publishing. With a firm handle on the how to of marketing and promotion Joe quickly became one of Amazons top producers.
When I began reading his blog A Newbies Guide to Publishing he had already become somewhat of a prophetic voice for Indie writers. Like no one else he has an ability to read the landscape and identify the trends of whats happening in the industry.
Then I found John Hartness from Charlotte N.C. His his book, Returning the favor and other slices of life was the first book I downloaded to my Kindle. Follow this link to his Amazon page then scroll down and you will find he published over twenty titles in just over two years. His Bubba The Monster Killer stories are packed with southern humor and have a little redneck thrown in for good measure.
His Black Night series delves into the darker side with two Vampires who've partnered with a priest and go about trying to rid the world of evil. John took a year off from his day job and committed to the writing gig. Today he continues to write and offers writing services such as editing, formatting and proof reading. I took a class he offered in Charlotte,N.C. and am looking forward to the next one. I've found him to be a great guy who has a heart for people and connects with his followers.
I soon leaned Amanda Hocking was the first to earn over a million dollars with her Paranormal Romance series when she caught the eye of a main street publisher and signed a deal worth over seven figures.
Then John Locke dialed things up a notch when he sold over a million digital books with Amazon in less than six months and turned down a few offers form the Big 6. He preferred to retain control of his work and opted to remain independent.
With the success of Wool I'm beginning to wonder if we've now entered into a second generation of Indie authors who are ringing the bell and inviting others to the dance.
I recently stated on my website that Hugh has pushed the possibilities through the stratosphere. He published WOOL just over a year ago and is knocking down over $100.000.00 dollars a month in personal income off combined sells.
His deal with Simon and Schuster seems to have been a serious game changer. When a card carrying member of the Big 6 allows an author to retain the digital rights it becomes obvious that a major shake up has taken place.
In just two short years I've watched the tide of Self-Publishing continually rise as new voices come to the table and more readers adopt to digital. We're still early in the game and so much has morphed it leaves me wondering whats coming next. No one knows...but two things are for sure: digital is here to stay and Indies are in a good position.
Now dream has become reality for several authors who never gave up. Their work has found an audience in a world that until recently didn't even exist.
The following list represents a few names I've been tracking since I began my own personal journey. Their success and willingness to help others have proved inspirational.
First I stumbled on Joe Konrath's Blog shortly after getting my Kindle and found him to be a plethora of knowledge in the field of publishing. With a firm handle on the how to of marketing and promotion Joe quickly became one of Amazons top producers.
When I began reading his blog A Newbies Guide to Publishing he had already become somewhat of a prophetic voice for Indie writers. Like no one else he has an ability to read the landscape and identify the trends of whats happening in the industry.
Then I found John Hartness from Charlotte N.C. His his book, Returning the favor and other slices of life was the first book I downloaded to my Kindle. Follow this link to his Amazon page then scroll down and you will find he published over twenty titles in just over two years. His Bubba The Monster Killer stories are packed with southern humor and have a little redneck thrown in for good measure.
His Black Night series delves into the darker side with two Vampires who've partnered with a priest and go about trying to rid the world of evil. John took a year off from his day job and committed to the writing gig. Today he continues to write and offers writing services such as editing, formatting and proof reading. I took a class he offered in Charlotte,N.C. and am looking forward to the next one. I've found him to be a great guy who has a heart for people and connects with his followers.
I soon leaned Amanda Hocking was the first to earn over a million dollars with her Paranormal Romance series when she caught the eye of a main street publisher and signed a deal worth over seven figures.
Then John Locke dialed things up a notch when he sold over a million digital books with Amazon in less than six months and turned down a few offers form the Big 6. He preferred to retain control of his work and opted to remain independent.
With the success of Wool I'm beginning to wonder if we've now entered into a second generation of Indie authors who are ringing the bell and inviting others to the dance.
I recently stated on my website that Hugh has pushed the possibilities through the stratosphere. He published WOOL just over a year ago and is knocking down over $100.000.00 dollars a month in personal income off combined sells.
His deal with Simon and Schuster seems to have been a serious game changer. When a card carrying member of the Big 6 allows an author to retain the digital rights it becomes obvious that a major shake up has taken place.
In just two short years I've watched the tide of Self-Publishing continually rise as new voices come to the table and more readers adopt to digital. We're still early in the game and so much has morphed it leaves me wondering whats coming next. No one knows...but two things are for sure: digital is here to stay and Indies are in a good position.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Grace: Our Only Hope.
Over a decade has past since I first read Phillip Yancey's What's So Amazing About Grace and I've never recovered. After reading the book I was both challenged and convicted. First it drove me to my knees, then it led me to a mirror.
Now I'm convinced that if we followers of Christ walked out the grace we so ardently preach this world would be a much better place. If we were more concerned with broken lives and less consumed with local dynasty's more Americans would be going to church.
It's been estimated by those in the know that on any given Sunday less than 20% of our population attends Church. Though several things factor into the equation it appears that to the overwhelming majority church has become irrelevant.
The results of such an assumption have become obvious to the point that we now stand in need of a serious fix. One that far outweighs the ability of any one man or party. As a nation we are both morally and financially bankrupt.
If you were to study the conditions of Eighteenth Century England you will find we have much in common. As a nation England stood at the threshold of a revolution, much like that of France. Yet, something happened no one saw coming. It is now referred to as, The Wesleyan Revival. An entire culture was transformed as Wesley took The Biblical challenge of Social Justice serious.
If you fast forward form 18th Century England to 19th Century Russia you will discover that in 1869 Leo Tolstoy had just published his signature novel, War and Peace. The success catapults him onto the international stage of World Literature where he finds a platform and is given a voice.
At the time 80% of Russia was considered peasant. (Orlando Figes; A Peoples Tragedy) Remember this was old Russia and during the period of the Czars, at which time Russia was considered Christian.
Tolstoy appealed to the government and predicted that if something is not done to address the problem of peasantry in Russia a bloody revolution will follow. Nothing was done until October 25th, 1917 when The Bolsheviks brought a revolution that resulted in 70 years of tyranny.
One can't help but wonder how different things may have been had
the church stepped up and walked out the message of grace during those difficult times.
Today, we in America are living in desperate times though it appears as if the majority of our population's oblivious. Our government has tried everything a government can try and we're still in serious trouble. We've had both Republicans and Democrats at the helm and the ship's still sinking.
Might I make a suggestion? We who call ourselves, "followers of Christ," may we get serious in prayer and call on The One who alone can..." restore the years the locust have eaten." And while we're on our knee's may we not get up too soon. And when we do get up may we... as The Church, truly offer a cup of cold water in the name of the Lord.
Where the government has failed the church can succeed. Its called REVIVAL and its a product of grace and its our only hope.
Like nothing else grace has an ability to transform a life. Sometime ago I wrote a true short story called The Note. It gives an account of how I experienced a moment of grace when I was eleven years old. I had managed to get myself into some rather serious trouble and my father was high on justice.
It happened back when a leather belt was the order of the day for boys who crossed the line and delved into unacceptable behaviour. In the process I learned about the power of grace and discovered something about my fathers heart.
I've made it available on Amazon and you can download for free until Midnight if you have a Kindle or Kindle App.
Now I'm convinced that if we followers of Christ walked out the grace we so ardently preach this world would be a much better place. If we were more concerned with broken lives and less consumed with local dynasty's more Americans would be going to church.
It's been estimated by those in the know that on any given Sunday less than 20% of our population attends Church. Though several things factor into the equation it appears that to the overwhelming majority church has become irrelevant.
The results of such an assumption have become obvious to the point that we now stand in need of a serious fix. One that far outweighs the ability of any one man or party. As a nation we are both morally and financially bankrupt.
If you were to study the conditions of Eighteenth Century England you will find we have much in common. As a nation England stood at the threshold of a revolution, much like that of France. Yet, something happened no one saw coming. It is now referred to as, The Wesleyan Revival. An entire culture was transformed as Wesley took The Biblical challenge of Social Justice serious.
If you fast forward form 18th Century England to 19th Century Russia you will discover that in 1869 Leo Tolstoy had just published his signature novel, War and Peace. The success catapults him onto the international stage of World Literature where he finds a platform and is given a voice.
At the time 80% of Russia was considered peasant. (Orlando Figes; A Peoples Tragedy) Remember this was old Russia and during the period of the Czars, at which time Russia was considered Christian.
Tolstoy appealed to the government and predicted that if something is not done to address the problem of peasantry in Russia a bloody revolution will follow. Nothing was done until October 25th, 1917 when The Bolsheviks brought a revolution that resulted in 70 years of tyranny.
One can't help but wonder how different things may have been had
the church stepped up and walked out the message of grace during those difficult times.
Today, we in America are living in desperate times though it appears as if the majority of our population's oblivious. Our government has tried everything a government can try and we're still in serious trouble. We've had both Republicans and Democrats at the helm and the ship's still sinking.
Might I make a suggestion? We who call ourselves, "followers of Christ," may we get serious in prayer and call on The One who alone can..." restore the years the locust have eaten." And while we're on our knee's may we not get up too soon. And when we do get up may we... as The Church, truly offer a cup of cold water in the name of the Lord.
Where the government has failed the church can succeed. Its called REVIVAL and its a product of grace and its our only hope.
Like nothing else grace has an ability to transform a life. Sometime ago I wrote a true short story called The Note. It gives an account of how I experienced a moment of grace when I was eleven years old. I had managed to get myself into some rather serious trouble and my father was high on justice.
It happened back when a leather belt was the order of the day for boys who crossed the line and delved into unacceptable behaviour. In the process I learned about the power of grace and discovered something about my fathers heart.
I've made it available on Amazon and you can download for free until Midnight if you have a Kindle or Kindle App.
Friday, February 1, 2013
The President and The Poet

It was on January 20th of 1961 when Robert Frost stood on the inauguration platform with President John F. Kennedy and recitedThe Gift Outright. The Kennedy's had personally invited him to the inauguration and Frost had even gone as far as to write a poem for the special occasion. However, on the inaugural day the sun's reflection off the new fallen snow made it impossible to read the printed text, so the poet opted to share The Gift Outright.
On that day, The President of the United States shared a platform with the Poet of the Twentieth Century and the two make for an interesting study in contrast. Consider the following:
Privilege and Poverty
The President was born into wealth and privilege. He once joked he didn't even know of the Great Depression until he went to college. His father, Joe Kennedy, cashed in all of his stock one day before the Market crashed in 1929. As the nation sank into poverty Kennedy leveraged that wealth and when the time came positioned himself, as well as, his sons politically.
The Poet however, was born into a very poor family. His father died in 1885 leaving his mother with only $8.00 and no way to support their young family. With no other options she relocated to Lawrence, Massachusetts and moved in with grandparents.
Harvard University
Both the President and the Poet enjoyed a relationship with Harvard University. President Kennedy graduated with honers, but the Poet dropped out. In fact he also attended Dartmouth, but dropped out of there also. Unlike the President the Poet never earned a degree. However, during the course of his life Robert Frost received over forty honorary Doctorates.
Words Spoken
On that day, The President said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask, what can you do for your country." These words have long sense been edged into the collective memory of a nation. The Poet once wrote, "...The woods are lovely dark and deep, but have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep;" Beautiful words, long ago written- now considered sacred and forever celebrated in the archives American Literature.
It becomes obvious that I hold a serious appreciation for the work of Robert Frost. A number of years ago I was given a signed copy of his second book, North of Boston dated 1914 which is displayed in my home today.
A number of years ago I was asked to speak at a commencement ceremony for a small business college in Soldotna Alaska. I spoke about the contrast between The President and The Poet and challenged the graduates to follow their dreams.
For mor information on the life and work of Robert Frost click on this link and watch the video. It's the best conversational lecture I've ever heard on the life and work of the poet. Mike Braziller and Ed Hirsch do an excellent job of delving into the dark side of Robert Frost.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
The Cover of Darkness
I've not done much writing over the past 12 months. The reason being the year 2012 goes down as the most trying and complicated period of my life.
Now is not the time and this is not the place to delve into the details of all that represents, but suffice it to say, my writing gig was moved to the back burner and placed on hold.
This website is the result of a New Year's commitment I made to throw myself back into the discipline of writing. The following is an excerpt from one of the projects I'm working on. It's a little different than the other material I've published. It's a spiritual thriller called: The Cover of Darkness.
Now is not the time and this is not the place to delve into the details of all that represents, but suffice it to say, my writing gig was moved to the back burner and placed on hold.
This website is the result of a New Year's commitment I made to throw myself back into the discipline of writing. The following is an excerpt from one of the projects I'm working on. It's a little different than the other material I've published. It's a spiritual thriller called: The Cover of Darkness.
The Cover of Darkness
It crept into our land under the cover of darkness and opened a portal to another world. Evil was unleashed; the evidence was everywhere. First, a terrible sickness attacked the young and elderly. Unable to diagnose the disease doctors called it a plague and treated the symptoms.
The night Amy Tucker died a few friends sat with her parents during the long hours of her passing. Like the others, Amy's fever was high and her bleeding was internal. Her young body was left swollen and bruised. In the end, blood began seeping through the very pores of her skin. It was an ugly thing to watch-one called it bloody mess.
Then weather patterns changed. Winter came early and lingered with heavy snows and bitter cold. Summer brought no relief. Days were hot, but the sun was hidden by dark gray clouds which offered no rain. Crops failed; the earth appeared scorched. Water became a precious commodity.
In Harborton things were worse. The trials had started with a few people being charged with witchcraft. Those found guilty were sentenced to death in the name of God. The fortunate ones went to the gallows; others were burned at the stake. In such times people are looking for someone, or something to blame. I once believed spiritual matters were a product of superstition. I thought church was a crutch for the weak and pious people of this world, but when I saw the goodness of a few saints I was forced to look at the world through a different lens.
These were people who truly lived for a higher purpose and surrendered themselves to the providence of The Most High. They poured their lives into others and walked out the paradoxes of The New Testament. In the process of learning their ways my stony heart began to soften. I learned the difference between the folly of religion and the beauty faith. The one has more to do with man and the other is all about God.
I also looked upon a dark presence and learned that as goodness flows from the heart of God, evil also has a source. Before the rebellion he was called Son of the Morning, but now he’s called The Dragon, The Serpent, The Deceiver of the Brethren, Beelzebub, and Satan. His purpose is to sew destruction and he’s mastered the craft. His greatest allies are unbelief and dead religion...
The night Amy Tucker died a few friends sat with her parents during the long hours of her passing. Like the others, Amy's fever was high and her bleeding was internal. Her young body was left swollen and bruised. In the end, blood began seeping through the very pores of her skin. It was an ugly thing to watch-one called it bloody mess.
Then weather patterns changed. Winter came early and lingered with heavy snows and bitter cold. Summer brought no relief. Days were hot, but the sun was hidden by dark gray clouds which offered no rain. Crops failed; the earth appeared scorched. Water became a precious commodity.
In Harborton things were worse. The trials had started with a few people being charged with witchcraft. Those found guilty were sentenced to death in the name of God. The fortunate ones went to the gallows; others were burned at the stake. In such times people are looking for someone, or something to blame. I once believed spiritual matters were a product of superstition. I thought church was a crutch for the weak and pious people of this world, but when I saw the goodness of a few saints I was forced to look at the world through a different lens.
These were people who truly lived for a higher purpose and surrendered themselves to the providence of The Most High. They poured their lives into others and walked out the paradoxes of The New Testament. In the process of learning their ways my stony heart began to soften. I learned the difference between the folly of religion and the beauty faith. The one has more to do with man and the other is all about God.
I also looked upon a dark presence and learned that as goodness flows from the heart of God, evil also has a source. Before the rebellion he was called Son of the Morning, but now he’s called The Dragon, The Serpent, The Deceiver of the Brethren, Beelzebub, and Satan. His purpose is to sew destruction and he’s mastered the craft. His greatest allies are unbelief and dead religion...
Friday, January 25, 2013
A year of WOOL.
His name is Hugh Howey and just over a year ago he published a short Science Fiction piece called Wool. Nothing could have prepared him for the success that soon followed as he has spent the last year riding a wave that landed him a seven figure deal with Simon and Schuster for the print rights. He keeps the digital, or (e rights) which means a card carrying member of the BIG 6 has experienced a major paradigm shift.
With this deal Howey is left with the freedom to manage the digital world of Wool as he desires. If you follow the link you will see he now offers Book One of the series on Amazon for free.
I've been following Howey and tracking the growing popularity of Wool for the past year and must say I've never been more encouraged to write and publish. Google his name and you will fined him everywhere. Check out his site at and you'll discover he is a very genuine and down to earth kind of guy.
He is quick to say that of all the people who are blown away by the growing popularity of Wool, no one is more surprised than he. The latest development of Wool comes with the announcement of.... a forth coming movie!
Who could have guessed? Last January he uploads a short story and today he has already earned in excess of a million dollars. I stated on the home page of my website, that what Gutenberg and his Printing press were to the 15th century, Bezos and Amazon are to the 21st. The former helped to ignite The Renaissance and the later...a Revolution. Gutenberg delivered The Bible into the hands of the reading public. That was no small order and it was truly revolutionary...Amazon has introduced a new means of publishing and in the process delivered what many say is to become a classic in the world of Sci-Fi.
I've never been much into the Sci-Fi genre, but I did read Wool and liked it. I am also very much into reading, writing and publishing and believe these hese are exciting days and I can't help but wonder...."what's coming next?"
The purpose of this post is not to give Hugh Howey and Wool free advertising, but rather to illustrate the opportunity at hand. So, if you've ever had a desire or dream to write a book, or short story.... go for it. You never know, and the possibilities are endless.
- (Website)
With this deal Howey is left with the freedom to manage the digital world of Wool as he desires. If you follow the link you will see he now offers Book One of the series on Amazon for free.
I've been following Howey and tracking the growing popularity of Wool for the past year and must say I've never been more encouraged to write and publish. Google his name and you will fined him everywhere. Check out his site at and you'll discover he is a very genuine and down to earth kind of guy.
He is quick to say that of all the people who are blown away by the growing popularity of Wool, no one is more surprised than he. The latest development of Wool comes with the announcement of.... a forth coming movie!
Who could have guessed? Last January he uploads a short story and today he has already earned in excess of a million dollars. I stated on the home page of my website, that what Gutenberg and his Printing press were to the 15th century, Bezos and Amazon are to the 21st. The former helped to ignite The Renaissance and the later...a Revolution. Gutenberg delivered The Bible into the hands of the reading public. That was no small order and it was truly revolutionary...Amazon has introduced a new means of publishing and in the process delivered what many say is to become a classic in the world of Sci-Fi.
I've never been much into the Sci-Fi genre, but I did read Wool and liked it. I am also very much into reading, writing and publishing and believe these hese are exciting days and I can't help but wonder...."what's coming next?"
The purpose of this post is not to give Hugh Howey and Wool free advertising, but rather to illustrate the opportunity at hand. So, if you've ever had a desire or dream to write a book, or short story.... go for it. You never know, and the possibilities are endless.
- (Website)
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